How Long Does Withdrawal From Seroquel Last? | AspenRidge

How Long Does Withdrawal From Seroquel Last?

Seroquel is a prescription medication that is commonly used to treat various mood disorders such as depression. While it’s intended for short-term use, individuals can develop a dependency on the medication over time. With the onset of Seroquel abuse or addiction, a host of health risks can arise. For those seeking to safely stop Seroquel use they may wonder about the process. How long does withdrawal from Seroquel last, and are there drastic health concerns to consider?

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, you should seek help and treatment.

AspenRidge is one of Colorado’s leading providers of dual diagnosis treatment for substance abuse and mental health. We provide outpatient programs for those who suffer from addiction and their families. Find out more about our prescription drug addiction treatment program options.

How Long Does Withdrawal From Seroquel Last

Important Seroquel Withdrawal Information

If you suddenly stop taking Seroquel, there is a risk that you will begin to experience Seroquel withdrawal symptoms. These can be either severe or mild and vary from one person to the next. One thing is for certain: experiencing these withdrawal symptoms is not easy. Some individuals may experience restlessness, vomiting, or nausea, while others can suffer from withdrawal dyskinesia. These are uncontrollable and erratic movements in the face, arms, legs, or torso.

Read on as we discuss what Seroquel is in further detail, the risks of misusing antidepressant medications, and what to expect with the withdrawal process.

What is Seroquel?

Seroquel, also known as Quetiapine, is a psychotropic medication that is taken to treat mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder. It is also widely used to treat schizophrenia but is only available for adults and children who are over the age of 13.

Belonging to the antipsychotic class of drugs, Seroquel is categorized as an atypical antipsychotic and second-generation antipsychotic.

Seroquel works to alter certain activities of natural substances within the brain. It is approved for sale and use by the FDA, as long as it is under a medical professional’s prescription.

Although this medication is not considered to be a controlled substance, it can be misused and abused in some circumstances.

Some studies conducted by the National Health Institute have found that Seroquel is the most abused of all antipsychotic medications. 

The potential for this drug to be misused is exaggerated when there is no prescription. Even with medical guidance, many people take Seroquel in higher doses and for longer periods than they are advised to.

You may recognize Seroquel through its various street names such as Squirrel, Susie Q, Quell, and Baby Heroin. When not prescribed, many abusers misuse the substance by crushing and inhaling it. Some will mix it with water and then proceed to administer the drug intravenously.

Such misuse tends to lead to Seroquel addiction and abuse which, in turn, leads to a higher likelihood of overdosing.

Seroquel Withdrawal Symptoms

Seroquel Withdrawal Symptoms

How long does withdrawal from Seroquel last, though? Seroquel is taken for numerous reasons. Some take it to treat anxiety and bipolar disorder while others may take it to treat schizophrenia. Although intended as a short-term medication for such disorders, withdrawal symptoms can become severe in some cases.

Withdrawal is usually experienced by those who have become addicted to the medication. Some Seroquel withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Increases sweating
  • An increased heart rate
  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Abdominal pain

If you experience withdrawal symptoms, they can last from only a few hours to several weeks in extreme cases. This withdrawal timeline can include new withdrawal, rebound withdrawal, and post-withdrawal.

How Long Does Withdrawal Last?

So, how long does withdrawal from Seroquel last? New withdrawal symptoms usually begin between the first and fourth day after ceasing the medication but the symptoms can last for up to a week. In some circumstances, the symptoms can last for up to six weeks.

Rebound withdrawal symptoms tend to begin around the same time (one to four days after ceasing medication). However, some of these symptoms are not always associated with Seroquel withdrawal. Nevertheless, these symptoms may last for six weeks. If they persist longer than this, an individual will be experiencing persistent post-withdrawal.

Certain factors determine the severity of the withdrawal symptoms. Examples are:

  • The duration of Seroquel use
  • The age of the medicine user
  • Pre-existing mental health disorders
  • Lack of support

Lack of support is not something you will experience with AspenRidge. We have a team of fully qualified counselors ready to help you on your road to recovery.

Coming Off Seroquel

Risks of misusing anti-depressant medication

One key question to consider is whether depression or substance abuse comes first. Mental health and addiction are so entwined but both can impact an individual’s life and recovery. We cover this in greater detail via this page – What Comes First Depression or Substance Abuse? 

Co-occurring disorders can also have significant consequences on how medications are received and whether someone has a higher chance of abusing a drug.

Studies have discovered that the rate of prescription drug abuse has reached “epidemic proportions”. Antidepressants have become one of the misused prescription drugs in the last few decades.

According to a study by Elizabeth A Evans and Maria A Sullivan in 2014, the main motivation behind the abuse of antidepressant medication is to achieve a psychostimulant-like effect. Unlike many other drugs, antidepressants can be easier to come by. Therefore, they are abused in higher doses through various means of administration such as intravenously or intranasally.

The negative consequences of this misuse and addiction tend to vary depending on the class of antidepressants and pharmacology. However, some common side effects include confusion, seizures, and psychotic-like episodes.

Those most vulnerable to anti-depressant abuse usually have a history of substance abuse and/or live in a controlled environment.

Can Seroquel Withdrawal Kill You?

One of the most alarming concerns for individuals considering discontinuing Seroquel is whether withdrawal can lead to fatal consequences. While Seroquel withdrawal itself is generally not life-threatening, the process can be dangerous if not managed appropriately. The risks associated with Seroquel withdrawal depend on several factors, including the duration of use, the dosage, pre-existing medical conditions, and the presence of co-occurring mental health disorders.

Understanding the Risks

Seroquel withdrawal can trigger severe physical and psychological symptoms that may indirectly pose significant health risks. For example:

  1. Severe Mental Health Symptoms: Abruptly stopping Seroquel can exacerbate underlying conditions such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. This can lead to suicidal ideation or behaviors in some cases. If left untreated, these mental health challenges can have tragic outcomes.
  2. Seizures: Although rare, seizures are a potential withdrawal symptom for individuals who abruptly discontinue antipsychotic medications like Seroquel. Seizures can result in physical injury or complications that require emergency medical intervention.
  3. Psychotic Episodes: For individuals taking Seroquel to manage psychosis or schizophrenia, withdrawal can trigger a return of severe symptoms such as hallucinations, paranoia, or delusions. These symptoms can impair judgment and potentially lead to dangerous situations.
  4. Physical Symptoms: Withdrawal-induced symptoms such as dizziness, increased heart rate, and nausea can escalate into dehydration, fainting, or cardiovascular complications if unmanaged.

Preventing Severe Complications

To reduce the risks associated with Seroquel withdrawal, it’s crucial to follow a gradual tapering process under the supervision of a medical professional. Sudden cessation can shock the body and mind, increasing the likelihood of severe withdrawal symptoms.

Key Steps to Ensure Safety:

  • Consult a Healthcare Provider: Always speak with your prescribing doctor before making any changes to your medication regimen.
  • Follow a Tapering Plan: Gradually reducing the dose allows your body to adjust, minimizing withdrawal symptoms.
  • Monitor Mental Health Closely: If feelings of depression, anxiety, or suicidal ideation arise, seek immediate help.
  • Utilize Support Systems: Engaging in therapy or support groups can provide emotional stability during the withdrawal process.
  • Consider a Medically Supervised Detox: For individuals with severe dependence or a history of substance abuse, detoxing in a controlled medical environment can significantly reduce risks.

When to Seek Emergency Help

Although withdrawal from Seroquel is typically not fatal, there are situations where immediate medical attention is necessary. Contact emergency services or seek care if you or someone you know experiences:

  • Seizures
  • Chest pain or difficulty breathing
  • Severe hallucinations or delusions
  • Suicidal thoughts or self-harming behaviors
  • Persistent vomiting or dehydration

AspenRidge Recovery Can Help

AspenRidge is dedicated to helping those who suffer from the disease of addiction as well as their families. We understand that addiction and mental health treatment is not one size fits all. That is why we have a range of programs to suit each individual’s unique needs. With a lifetime of recovery support programs, AspenRidge is here to help. If you need that help, contact us today.

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