Drinking a Bottle of Wine by Myself | Colorado Rehab Center | AspenRidge

Drinking a Bottle of Wine by Myself

Drinking A Bottle Of Wine By Myself | Colorado Rehab Center | Aspenridge

Drinking a bottle of wine by myself, these words may conjure up images of someone sitting alone, with a glass in hand and a whole bottle in front of them. While drinking alone is not necessarily a sign of alcohol addiction, it can be a red flag for some people.

For many, drinking a bottle of wine alone may be a way to cope with stress, anxiety, or depression.

After all, even reputable sources have claimed that wine consumption’s health benefits can help fight off heart disease and other illnesses. These claims of benefits, unfortunately, remain unfounded. Daily drinking a bottle of wine wouldn’t prevent heart disease or lower cholesterol. It may be a culprit to a long list of chronic health conditions. We’re reviewing the long-term impacts of wine drinking below.

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimates approximately 85% of adults used alcohol during their lifetime, while 70% reported drinking alcohol in the past year, and 55% indicate drinking in the past month. The U.S. remains the highest wine-consuming nation in the world. Although legal, wine can be just as detrimental to health as beer and spirits.


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Short vs. Long-Term Health Effects of Wine

In some ways, drinking a bottle of wine a day may seem innocent. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines a standard wine bottle as 750 milliliters. One bottle has roughly five glasses (5 oz) of wine. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), moderate drinking entails one glass of wine per day for women and two per day for men. Consuming alcohol above moderate drinking standards significantly increases the potential risk of short-term harm, such as injuries and chronic illnesses.

Drinking a bottle of wine a day by yourself suggests rates of alcohol use categorized as binge drinking. A 2018 study published in The Lancet found that drinks consumed above moderate standards, outlined by the CDC, increase the risk of stroke, fatal aneurysm, heart failure, and death.

In 2015, 66.7 million people in the United States reported binge drinking in the past month. Research also suggests that alcohol can numb the mind so that people forget their inhibitions and concerns. Symptoms of anxiety and depression may subside temporarily, but other short-term effects carry serious consequences.

Alcohol affects both the body and mind. There are physical and psychological consequences to the overconsumption of alcohol, whether it’s wine, beer, or spirits.

Drinking A Bottle Of Wine By Myself

Short-Term Effects of Daily Wine Drinking

Many Americans believe occasional wine consumption, regardless of the quantity consumed, is safe and may even provide health benefits. Newer research reveals that there is little evidence to support this claim.

Although a person may not suffer from alcohol addiction, the short-term effects of wine can still impact the mind and body. The liver is tasked with processing alcohol but can only filter one standard drink per hour, mostly dependent on age, height, weight, and gender. Excess alcohol not absorbed by the liver is released back into the blood. Drinking a bottle of wine alone can quickly raise blood alcohol content (BAC) depending on how long it takes to consume.

The short-term effects of drinking a bottle of wine alone can range from mild to more severe symptoms. Here are a few:

  • Lower inhibitions, increased risk of injury
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Loss of coordination
  • Loss of critical judgment
  • Dull perception
  • Mood swings
  • Reduced core body temperature
  • Passing out
  • Vomiting

Long-Term Effects of Daily Wine Drinking

Drinking too much overtime can cause extreme issues impactful to both mental and physical health. For example, heavy drinking or patterned drinking, over time—can contribute to liver damage, cardiovascular disease, and multiple types of cancer.

Of course, there are serious concerns when it comes to drinking and long-term brain health. Exposure to alcohol during critical periods of development—such as in the womb or during teenage years—can cause lasting damage, as can binge drinking during any stage of life.

Specifically, heavy drinkers are at risk of developing a neurological disorder called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a chronic memory disorder caused by a deficiency of the vitamin thiamine.

Other long-term health effects of drinking a bottle of wine consistently include:

  • Memory loss
  • Trouble learning
  • Alcoholic hepatitis
  • Liver fibrosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Diminished gray matter and white matter in the brain

Drinking a bottle of wine by yourself isn’t necessarily life-threatening. However, with continued use, it can contribute to a laundry list of illnesses, including dependency. Even wine, widely viewed as a sophisticated type of alcohol, is highly addictive.

Alcohol is a simple chemical that can bring about significant changes in the human brain’s complex functions. For example, when we drink wine, it can trigger the release of other chemicals in the body that make us feel more confident and less sensitive to pain. Drinking on occasion, especially in large quantities, can quickly spiral into a larger issue.

Occasional Drinking Can Suggests A Larger Problem

Occasional Drinking Can Suggests a Larger Problem

Moderate drinking isn’t a cause for concern in most adults. But when alcohol consumption gets out of control, you may find yourself on a dangerous path toward addiction.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that 17 million American adults have alcohol use disorders. Another 855,000 Americans ages 12 to 17 have alcohol use disorders. It’s important to remember that alcohol use disorder (AUD) isn’t created overnight. It emerges from long-term misuse.

Drinking a bottle of wine by yourself may be an innocent pastime. However, it may also indicate an underlying issue if it becomes a consistent habit or when increased amounts of wine are required to achieve the same desired effects.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of each stage of alcohol abuse can aid in seeking help before the problem turns into dependence and addiction.

  1. Occasional Abuse and Binge Drinking drinking above the moderate level on occasion. It generally refers to an experimental stage of drinking
  2. Increased drinking – occurs when alcohol use becomes more frequent. It may involve excuses to drink, drinking to relieve stress and mental health, and even drinking simply out of boredom
  3. Problem drinking – typically refers to situations when drinking habits begin to impact personal and professional lives
  4. Alcohol dependence occurs when you’re aware of drinking becoming an issue but are no longer in control of alcohol consumption
  5. Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) characterized by a physical and psychological need to drink

Does Drinking a Bottle of Wine By Yourself Really Have an Impact?

Drinking a bottle of wine by yourself, especially consistently, may have a lasting impact. You may have heard the term, “drinking a bottle of wine a day keeps the doctor away.” This is a common phrase that further reinforces American alcohol culture. However, evidence-based research suggests that alcohol’s impact on the brain increases its risk of abuse. Additionally, AUD is also one of the most common substance abuse disorders (SUD) in the U.S., impacting more than 14 million Americans.

Alcohol is also commonly found with other mental health illnesses like depression and anxiety. The occurrence of two existing conditions is referred to as comorbidity or co-occurring disorder.

According to most primary care physicians, daily alcohol use is indicative of an alcohol use disorder and possible dependency on alcohol. Research has more evidence that prolonged use of alcohol has significant negative physical and mental consequences.

In the end, the dangers of alcohol use are much more prominent and supported by ongoing research. Healthcare physicians and addiction treatment specialists recommend seeking help for problem drinking as the risks of dependency increase with continued use. If caught early enough, treatment professionals can manage alcohol misuse effectively. With integrative approaches and dual diagnosis care, AUD is a treatable disease.

Regardless of how severe a person’s drinking can seem on the surface, alcoholism is a serious disease that can have both short and long-term consequences in all areas of a person’s life. If you suspect someone in your life is a functioning alcoholic, professional treatment may be needed to address the extent of their drinking. Contact us today, 24/7, at 855-281-5588.

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol Addiction

According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, drinking a bottle of wine a day  meets the medical criteria for binge drinking. If use continues, it can suggest an alcohol use disorder.

Signs of Alcohol Abuse include:

  • Inability to complete work, school, or at home duties
  • Recurrent use of alcohol in places or situations that drinking can harm self or others.
  • Legal problems such as disorderly conduct, operating while intoxicated, and theft
  • Recurrent use despite negative impacts on relationships exacerbated by alcohol use

Signs of Alcohol use Disorder include:

  • A mental or emotional need for increased amounts of alcohol when drinking
  • Use of alcohol to avoid the effects of withdrawal from alcohol
  • Drinking larger amounts over an extended period
  • Persistent desire to obtain, use, and recovery from alcohol use
  • Continued drinking despite knowledge of the damaging physical and psychological consequences exacerbated by drinking alcohol

Drinking a bottle or a glass of wine a day places you at much higher risk for AUD and can lead to significant medical, mental, and relational problems.

AspenRidge Recovery: Alcohol Addiction Treatment

AspenRidge’s trained, board-certified therapists, medical staff, and counselors offer counseling and rehab programs for those addicted to alcohol. Our Colorado alcohol addiction treatment programs take on a dual diagnosis approach. We guide clients using evidence- and holistic-based treatment modalities to address alcoholism and the underlying issues that exacerbate it.

Various options include:

We are the leading alcohol use disorder treatment provider in Colorado, including mental health and dual diagnosis. Our treatment options work for individuals seeking a life of sobriety.

We provide lasting solutions and outpatient care programs to individuals and their families suffering from these conditions. Call us today at 855-281-5588. Our compassionate and licensed staff is here to help you move toward long-term recovery.

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