Alcohol Addiction Archives - Page 5 of 7 - AspenRidge

Alcohol Addiction


Why Does AA Not Work For Everyone

Alcoholics Anonymous is a nonprofessional, community, and peer support organization dedicated to helping people solve their common problems of alcoholism. Or so the famed AA Big Book says. But AA does not work for everyone. Why does AA not work…
Pins And Needles After Drinking Alcohol

What Does Alcoholic Neuropathy Feel Like?

It’s no secret that once alcohol sinks its claws, it can take an awful lot from us. It strains relationships, sparks little fires that eventually burn bridges, and takes an incredible toll on our mental health, but many don’t realize the…
Alcohol & Wet Brain

What Is Wet Brain?

Wet brain, also known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, is a type of brain damage that is caused by alcohol abuse and addiction. Excessive alcohol abuse, even among functional alcoholics, leads to thiamine deficiency, which over time can cause…
Negative Impacts Of Alcohol On The Brain

What Part Of The Brain Is Affected By Alcohol First?

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a leading illness in the United States. It affects 14.1 million adults — approximately 5.6% of the adult population — increasing their risk of accidents and disease, as well as reducing their quality of life. Despite…
drug incarceration statistics
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Drug Incarceration Statistics

Drug incarceration statistics are revealing prevalent issues that may actually be negatively impacting ongoing drug use and addiction recovery.  In 2021, Oregon became the first state to move toward decriminalization. On November 3, Oregon…
What is antabuse?
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How Long Does Antabuse work?

Antabuse is an oral medication taken to discourage people from consuming alcohol. When taken correctly, users will become violently ill shortly after drinking alcohol. It is used in the treatment of alcohol use disorder.      How…
signs of alcohol withdrawal

When Do Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Start

Alcohol is arguably the easiest substance to obtain, and unfortunately, one of the most addictive. One in five adults in Colorado report drinking excessively, and statistics indicate that as many as five deaths occur per day from alcohol misuse.…
Helping Someone To Stop Drinking

How To Help Someone Stop Drinking Without Them Knowing

Alcohol and drug dependency can be isolating for the 19.7 millions of Americans intimately familiar with the struggle. The selfish nature of the disease convinces individuals that because it’s a personal battle, it should be handled alone.…
Alcoholic father

Online Alcohol Treatment

Struggling with alcohol addiction is a reality for many Americans. Alcohol Use Disorder(AUD) affects many families and has caused countless preventable deaths each year. According to the 2019 National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 18.1…
Alcoholic father

Is My Dad an Alcoholic?

Almost seven million children in the U.S. have at least one alcoholic parent, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). If you have an alcoholic father, it can be easy to feel alone and worried about your health…