Marijuana Addiction Drug Rehabilitation Center Colorado
Most people who use marijuana experience marijuana use disorder. Research has shown that about 3 in 10 marijuana users experience marijuana use disorder. People that want to be free from marijuana addiction often seek treatment at rehabilitation…
How to Prevent Opioid Abuse
Despite educational materials highlighting the dangers of prescription narcotics, millions of Americans discover first-hand the perils of opioid abuse. Researchers and drug addiction experts continue to focus on soaring overdose rates attributed…
Mixing Marijuana with Other Drugs
The United States has seen a profound shift in drug policy in the past decade. Colorado was the first to legalize marijuana in the U.S., with Amendment 64 passed in 2012. Since then, several other states have followed suit, making it legal and…
How Long for Dopamine Receptors to Heal?
Dopamine has long been considered a “pleasure chemical” closely linked to the disease of addiction. When referring to a dopamine rush, many associates it with the brain’s natural reward system that activates key neurochemicals during activities…
Alcohol Ruins Lives
It's no secret that alcohol is a staple among many Americans. To some degree, alcohol is associated with happy feelings and positive events. Partying with friends, for example, usually involves casual drinking. A promotion at the office can…
Alcoholism and Divorce
Alcohol use can come with severe costs. It can lead to legal problems, financial stress, unemployment, and cause serious health issues. It can also destroy a family and romantic relationships. Alcohol use is one of the leading reasons couples…
How Does Mental Illness Affect The Brain
Mental illness can be generalized and sometimes even dismissed. There’s a long-standing stigma surrounding mental health with many dismissing them as a sign of weakness, instability, or moral failing. Stigmatizing mental illnesses can be detrimental…
How Do Drugs Affect Your Life?
Substance use disorder is characterized as a progressive disease that can cause a person to lose control of their lives in ways they never thought possible. The effects of substance misuse and abuse can have a critical impact on several aspects…
Drinking Wine Every Night Weight Gain
Taking the edge off is a colloquialism that many of us love to use at least once; some of us at least once per day. Let’s face it: a glass of wine (or two or three) helps to balance life’s chaos with time-effective relaxation. Or does it?…
Why Does AA Not Work For Everyone
Alcoholics Anonymous is a nonprofessional, community, and peer support organization dedicated to helping people solve their common problems of alcoholism. Or so the famed AA Big Book says. But AA does not work for everyone. Why does AA not work…