Karlie Roshong, Author at AspenRidge - Page 2 of 2

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How Long is Long-Term Drug Use?

Casual or excessive drug or alcohol use can be detrimental to mental, physical, and behavioral health. In the short-term, drug misuse and abuse can cause users to experience a number of issues including a lapse in memory, impaired judgment, poor mental state, and risk of overall health and safety. While the concerns and risks of […]

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How Much Does it Cost to Maintain an Addiction?

Conversations about the national drug crisis usually address the toll on humanity—overdose deaths, crime, and the impact on society. But looking at it another way—in FINANCIAL terms—how much does it cost to maintain an addiction? The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that the abuse of and addiction to nicotine, alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription medications has an […]


Hardest Addictions to Kick

Top 10 Hardest Addictions to Kick Different drugs, whether prescription medications or illegal substances can all elicit a wide range of sensations for its users. From relaxed, calming moods, to high energy and feelings of euphoria, most drugs can create a false sense of security. Users may feel empowered with these substances, which can quickly […]

Top Five Most Common Addictions in Colorado

“I’m spending time on the issue because here in Colorado and across the country people…don’t realize the cost in terms of lives, health, and economics. The number of deaths that come from overdose is greater than the number of deaths that come from car accidents.” ~ US Department Of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia […]