Danny San Filippo, Author at AspenRidge - Page 5 of 5

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A Deeper Look at Krokodil Drug Effects

A terrifying new drug known as krokodil has made its way to America. Also known as desomorphine or the crocodile drug, krokodil is a potent synthetic opioid. A Deeper Look at Krokodil Drug Effects Addicts who have used krokodil will quickly find out where the name comes from. Once the drug is injected into the […]

7 Tips for Managing Your Dual Diagnosis

Whether you are self-diagnosed or have sought professional help for your dual diagnosis, figuring out what disorders you may be suffering from is a huge step toward finding the help you need. Learning about yourself, your co-occurring disorder and how it to treat them together is imperative to a full recovery. So here are seven […]

Tips for Paying for Addiction Treatment in Colorado

“The Universe does indeed provide for your every need.” ~Ellen Peterson, Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance Substance abuse is a major problem in Colorado. For example, in Denver, the rates of abuse for nearly every major type of drug has gone up significantly in recent years, especially for methamphetamines, heroin, and prescription opioid painkillers. Just as […]

Top 10 Most-Commonly Abused Over-The-Counter Medications

Are you curious if any of the OTC medications in your home have a potential for abuse? Find out which over-the-counter-drugs may jeopardize sobriety. “While these medicines may seem innocent enough, more and more people are intentionally misusing them. Instead of seeking the drugs’ medicinal benefits, users want to experience the highs that accompany taking […]