Rehab Alumni Program & Addiction Treatment | AspenRidge

AspenRidge Recovery Alumni Program

Alumni Program Mission

The Alumni Program’s mission is to extend the AspenRidge Recovery program beyond treatment by hosting events and providing addiction recovery resources to strengthen connections essential to long-term recovery.

The Alumni Program keeps you engaged with a social support network of peers. The structure and support provided helps sustain emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing following drug and alcohol treatment.

AspenRidge CONNECT App

We have an app where you can post your recovery milestones, ask questions, connect with other alumni, and much more!

Monthly Events

Recovery is hard work, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! We host dinners, BBQs, talent shows, trivia nights, arts and crafts, as well as cooking workshops.

Weekly Alumni Panel

You’ll also be invited to share your experience with future alumni and provide advice about what to expect after treatment and how to stay active in recovery.

Outcome Studies and Suggestions

We count on our alumni to provide feedback around their experiences with AspenRidge programming and suggestions around possible improvements.  We ask our alumni to participate in continued outcome studies to accurately gather data around programming’s efficacy. Thanks to our alumni, we can continually improve our practices.

Monthly Outdoor Activities

Integrating healthy activities promotes recovery and replaces old unhealthy behaviors. Our Alumni have the option to participate in hikes, kayaking trips, campouts, and ski and snowboarding adventures.

Alumni Sports

In addition to our monthly outdoor events, we also host basketball, volleyball, and kickball events with other recovery centers in Colorado. These events are not only fun, but you’ll meet new people who’ve overcome their struggle with addiction.

Insurance Icon New

We accept most major insurance and have affordable cash pay options

Click here to verify your insurance

Follow-Up Support

One-on-one staff to alumni support in the months following treatment.

Private Social Media Pages

We run private support groups for alumni to digitally and instantly share triumphs and ask their community for support in setbacks.

Call and Text Support

Call and text support with Alumni Coordinator whenever you need it!

Weekly Alumni Speaker Meetings

Every Tuesday, an AspenRidge alum shares their experience, strength, and hope with people currently in treatment. You’re welcome to attend and even speak at one of our meetings!

Sober Pals Service Project

One-on-one mentoring those in early recovery
Volunteer Partnership: alumni volunteer with local nonprofits for the opportunity to give back to the community

Holiday Celebrations

Any holiday can present challenges to people in recovery. At AspenRidge, we host potluck dinners and provide access to our team of professionals, so our alumni never feel alone on any holiday.

Why We Do It

AspenRidge Alumni give back to the greater community and find a sense of purpose by helping those just starting their recovery journey.

Our Alumni program is a key part of the recovery process. Our goal is to help each individual in early recovery learn how to live a healthy, productive life. We provide support, camaraderie, and sober fun with like-minded people because community is essential to recovery. Belonging to a community of people in recovery makes it easier to maintain your sobriety. Statistics show that alumni program after addiction treatment significantly increases the chances of holding onto sobriety. Volunteering, learning, and socializing with fellow alumni and current clients is a crucial part of life after treatment.

Alumni Program

“I went to AspenRidge and could not be happier with my experience there. The counselors and the staff are wonderful. The program provided all the tools I needed to stay sober. The people who work at AspenRidge truly care about their clients.  Even after graduating, AspenRidge still helps me to maintain sobriety. They have an alumni meeting every week as well as get togethers. It’s hard for me to write a review for AspenRidge, as it is not possible to put into words how this program has touched my heart and saved my life.” – AspenRidge Alumni

How it Works


We’ll check your insurance coverage


Answer a few questions and tell us your story


Your healing journey and new life starts now

Get Help Today at AspenRidge Recovery

At AspenRidge Recovery, we offer a continuum of care focused on transitioning clients through different levels, which provides better and sustainable long-term recovery. Our therapists work with people and families to determine the best level of care. Call us now at (855) 281-5588 to get started.

AspenRidge Works

Kat, Alumni

Brian, Alumni

Melissa, Alumni